
Name NEWS95 12/2016

Vital statistics;  The “Sweatman” CAP;  The “Marikana” wage settlement;  Intestate minimum for a widow;  Death, divorce and remarriage;  Support by tacit agreement;  Dating of expert reports.

File name NEWS95_1612.pdf
Size 508.28 KB
File type pdf (Mime type application/pdf)
Owner LMS
Date added 24/12/2016
Hits 4392
Last modified on 06/07/2020
MD5 checksum 12792ededc85b40c97b00655ce1a5cba

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Quantum Yearbook

The Quantum Yearbook is a publication of financial and statistical information relevant to the assessment of damages for personal injury or death.  It includes tables of general damages awards updated for inflation to 2020.

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